April 8, 2009

Latest Baby Bump picture

Here's my latest belly bump picture. This was taken on 3.31.09 and just starting my 26th week:

I'm a mini beluga whale!! :-(

Just had my monthly checkup this morning. Apparently I've gained 9 lbs since the last month. Doh! Here's my 22 weeks picture:

I didn't get yelled at this time since I definitely "popped" over the last month but give me a break, I haven't gained anything at all during my first trimester. I'd say I have gained about 10 lbs total so far in the pregnancy. Everyone seems to think that once you're pregnant, you don't really need to think about weight gain - just gain as much as you can cuz the "baby needs it". But that doesn't really ring true. You're supposed to gain about 1 lb per week per month. So 4 weeks = 1 month = 4 lbs per month. Anything more and you'll get yelled at. Next month if I have such a high weight gain, I'll definitely hear some yelling.

I think it's because during the first trimester, I ate pretty healthily. My only craving was for fruit - any kind of fruit - oranges, grapefruits & pomelos (those I LOOOVED), apples, plums, bananas, etc. But lately I find that bananas cause me acid reflux and citrus foods were too acidic for my stomach so I stopped. Maybe I'll try eating melons now but it's rare that they're sweet these days. It's too early in the season. So I've been eating bad foods (weekly cheeseburgers, anyone) and fries. I crave for french fries and I crave for ice cream. That's a huge jump from craving fruits.

Otherwise, everything looks good so far. I'm on my 26th week and my doctor tells me that my uterus seems about 26 weeks. Baby's heartbeat is good too.

I did the gestational diabetes test today. I had to drink a bottle of orange glucose which wasn't all that bad. I thought it would taste really sickenly sweet but it was just like an orange drink. I didn't feel so great afterwards though. And the lab withdrew some blood to do a test to see if the sugar gets all digested properly. If I don't pass this test, I'll have to monitor my diet more closely or maybe even do finger prickings every time I eat. That doesn't sound fun at all.

My doctor also told me that he wanted to be thorough with another ultrasound. It turns out the last facility I went to - they didn't have a good view of the heart and the 4 chambers, the spine or the face - where all 3 are really really important!! They counted the spine and deemed it ok but my current doctor wants to be really safe in case we need to take precautions. He said what they should have done back then was offer me an amniocentisis (when they stick a long needle in the uterus to test the amnio fluid in the placenta - owch) to check to see if everything was ok but they didn't even do that.

So I have an ultrasound scheduled for next Friday. *sigh* I hope everything's ok. I'll have to take a personal day off too since it's in the middle of the afternoon.

We went to see the NY Rangers vs Montreal Canadiens (Habs) game yesterday at MSG. It was fun but I started winding down during the 3rd period. I always end up sitting next to the scary typical Ranger fan but yesterday's guy was pretty nice. He kept on trying to convert Meanie out of his Habs jersey into a Rangers jersey. The Rangers KILLED the Habs (3-1) and then poor Meanie had to deal with all the mean NYer heckling and suck. NYers are mean bastards! I find hockey fans are really scary out of all the sports out there. They're rude and they curse alot. Last time I went to a Rangers fan, the old geezers were screaming at the kids in front to sit the F down. Nice. Talk about childhood trauma right there.

My baby's namesake - Carey Price - performed pretty horribly. Terrible. =*(

April 6, 2009


I've migrated to my old Live Journal account. I don't like BlogSpot too much!!


Stupid Me

It's really quite interesting to see how much dumber you get while you're pregnant. I don't know what the reason is but I'm super dumb these days! The things that come out of my mouth are just purely amazing. I feel like a total dumb cheerleader. :-)

I'm on my 26th week of pregnancy - which is NOT my 7th month. Haha...I'm only 6.5 months pregnant. Deerrrr.... Now I feel stupid for telling people that I'm in my last trimester and am starting my 7th month. That's not for another 2 weeks!

I definitely show now. I'm waddling like a duck and I have a protruding belly. My belly button hasn't become an outtie yet. I've always had a really deep belly button so I'm counting on that to not be an outtie but I think that time is coming soon... One of these days I'll have to upload my weekly belly pics. It's come a long way! And I'm only going to get bigger!

I have trouble fitting into my pre pregnancy clothes. I can fit into some of them but they're feeling tight. I've definitely gained some weight this month but I hope not too much. And I'm starting to feel the negative aspects of pregnancy - like swelling of hands and feet (pig feet!), leg cramps, tingling in my limbs, dizziness, feeling off kilter, shortness of breath, getting tired really easily and other "fun" things. :(

We went to Babies R Us this past weekend to look at stuff like changing tables. Even though I'm getting really nervous and scared about labor and being a good mother, I couldn't help but be excited for my baby's arrival. Just imagining changing a diaper on a changing table excited me which is really odd! Who gets excited about changing a dirty diaper? But I guess in a way, I'm really excited at the prospect of being a mom. So weird!

I've been getting beat up from the insides (baby kicking and shifting and doing gymnastics) at times but it's good to know that he's doing ok. Whenever Meanie "talks" to him from my belly, Mignon starts moving around alot. I have to start playing classical music for him. I hear that it's good for the baby. I think Mignon will be a total foodie. It seems like I'm constantly craving for ice cream and/or something like that.

I have my gestational diabetes test this Wednesday. I have to drink some sort of orangey looking thick liquid and an hour after that, they'll draw blood from my arm to see if the sugar is being digested properly. I hope I pass it..I really don't want to be pricking myself after I eat. *shudder* My sister didn't have it for her first pregnancy but she was borderline during her 2nd pregnancy and she had to monitor what she was eating alot. Suckiness!


Let me starting blogging about non-baby stuff. :-)

I saw Twilight on Blu Ray over the weekend. I totally loved the book series and fell in love with the characters. I've been wanting to re-read the series all over again but I feel like a child with ADD and can't focus my attention on just one thing. I saw the movie the first time on a bootleg copy with horrible clarity and it was obvious that someone was video taping the movie from a handheld camera in a small theater. But I totally hated the movie. I hated what the director did to the story and trying to make it artsy-fartsy when you really didn't need to.

I bought it anyway on Blu Ray when it came out and finally saw it over the weekend. I thought it was better than the first time. I don't know why -- maybe because it was clearer and I could see everything? I'm not really sure. I viewed all the special features - the deleted scenes and the extended scenes and I cannot figure out why the director would choose to delete these scenes. To me, those scenes were key for the non-reader to understand what was going on in the story! I really do hope the next director does a better job with the next installment.

I saw some eye candy in the newstands while I was walking to the subway in Port Authority:

[Gosh, I hate the formatting for blogspot. I wish I could access Xanga!! Arrghhh]

March 31, 2009


We settled on a name for Mignon. We're going to call him Carey. We didn't want a name that everyone else seems to have and we wanted a name that would stand out. All other male names are common - like Matthew (can you believe there are 5 Matthew's on my floor?), David, John, etc etc. There's nothing wrong with those names but we just want something more original. Plus "Carey" paired up with Meanie's last name sounds very nice too and it's very yellable from a parents' view.

Which is kinda funny because I had dreamt over the weekend that Carey was a little toddler and he had done something pretty naughty (I forgot what) and I was screaming out his full name. LOL.

We came across the name "Carey" because we couldn't agree on anything else. All the names I liked, Meanie hated and vice versa. Meanie's also a die hard hockey fan and he follows the Montreal Habs. Their goalie's name is Carey Price and he was doing really good (in the beginning of the season - not so hot now though) and we really liked the name. So you could say that my Carey is kinda named after a hockey player but that's definitely how we came by his name.

I'm getting tired of people asking me why am I giving my baby boy a girl's name? It's not a girl's name! Think of Cary Grant, Carey Price, isn't Pink's bf named Carey? It's not pronounced like Carrie but instead it's pronounced as "Care-ey". I think it's a very beautiful name. :-)

I googled it and came across this link:


Resolved Question
Show me another »
Carey as a boys name. From previously asked questions.?
Just curious to know did anybody call their baby boy Carey ? Is anybody called Carey?
1 month ago

Additional Details
Just curious to know. I saw a few people ask . My son is named Carey and he is well into his 20's . I haven't heard of anybody else
1 month ago

It is pronounced Carey as in Care and not Carrie as in Carry.I even think Cary Grant is not pronounced Carrie . Carey is another version of Cary. A welsh version I think.
1 month ago

I've heard people say Cary as "Care" yAnd it even says so in books of boys names. It's just what you prefer

I find it entertaining that this question exists on Yahoo Questions but it sure does explain the name to people who just don't "get it".

I Need Sleep...

Ugh, I'm running on very little sleep these days. I don't know what's wrong with me...and I don't think it's a pregnancy issue. Even before I was pregnant, I never slept well on Sunday nights. I think it's because I'm so anxious (not) to get back into work on Mondays. This past Sunday, both Meanie and I had trouble sleeping due to digestion issues and insomnia. Or...more like I had both of those issues and I kept on disturbing Meanie's beauty rest. He left for the guest bed at around 430am and I finally fell asleep kinda but it's a bit tough to survive at work on a 2.5 hour night of sleep. We still have no idea what caused our distress on Sunday night but we think it's our home cooked meal. Haha...

We both called out sick on Monday to catch up on much-needed rest and I slept like a baby. I was still tired when I woke up in the afternoon. I think these days Mignon beats me up from the inside when he wants something, like food. My insides were getting a beat down when I finally got up to walk around but I was still very tired.

I was exhausted by the time I went to bed on Monday night around 11pm but yet, I couldn't sleep! I couldn't get comfortable and I just couldn't get to Sleepyland. Great, another sleepless night and I can't call out sick another day. I finally fell asleep around 430am. Hmm...Seems like a pattern but it's frustrating. Ugh!

I'm so very exhausted and would like to catch up on sleep but I fear that if I nap or anything, my schedule will be thrown off all over again. Blah!

This week, the 25th week, is the start to my 7th month of being pregnant. Yikes!! Where did the first 6 months go? I used to think that 9 months was a really really long time but now it's like I can't put a stop to time. Soon, Mignon will be out and I'll be even more tired being a mom! I would like to catch up on sleep, like people suggest I do, but it's kinda tough when you can't fall asleep. :(

Today is also the first day I cannot button up my pants all the way. =/ Thank goodness for Belly Bands. Those things are a God-send or else I'd be super broke paying for maternity clothes that don't really fit. The affordable ones (Old Navy) are either too small or too large. And the other ones are just uber pricy.

Speaking of poor, we did our taxes over the weekend and I owe about $1800 in taxes. Yikes!! It's just bad news right after another. Ugh. I hope this week gets better. At least the weather seems to be warming up!

Mignon seems to be thumping here and there. I think it's kicks because sometimes it's harder here and there and shifts all over the place. I think he likes to hang out on the right side of my uterus but now he's hanging out in the middle. I still can't discern what's a kick, what's a hiccup and what's Braxton Hicks contractions. I just know that there's sort of movements going on in my belly and it's all my active little boy.

My wish for tonight: Get some sound rest. Is it really all too much to ask for?

March 26, 2009

I'm glad I'm pregnant so I won't be suckered into buying all that stuff that's on the Rue La La Final Sale. Hee hee. Lotsa cute clothing on sale but there's no way I'm fitting into that stuff anytime in the near future.

There's also a Woot Off happening but no goodies yet.

I slept a little better yesterday despite all the acid reflux action that's recently happening. All the baby sites say that it's normal to get acid reflux during this time because the uterus basically grows in size to accommodate the baby's growing size so all your body organs get pushed up and gets all cramped up into your upper body cavity. Doesn't sound wonderful? The first time I read that my uterus would grow in size (to above your belly button) totally grossed me out. LOL but hey, as long as I don't have to view it, I guess I'm ok. :-)

So yeah, I slept slightly upright and on my left side. Leg cramps are starting to come by too. Ugh.. My doctor was so right when I saw him earlier this month. I was in a happy and cheery mood and he had told me that when I come for the April's monthly appointment, I won't be so happy anymore. He's so correct. I'm starting to feel the discomforts of the third trimester.

I cannot believe after next week, I'll be starting my 3rd trimester. Pregnancy goes by pretty fast, especially when you have a relatively "easy" pregnancy compared to others. Soon, Mignon will pop out. I'm excited and I'm really nervous. I guess that's all normal. I just hope labor won't be all too bad.

We have baby classes in April at the hospital. That should be interesting... Hee hee.

March 24, 2009

Wow...4 years.

Damn! It's been 4 years since I've touched this blog. Honestly, I forgot I had it. Maybe it was a good thing I created so many blogs back when I was bored so I could have some kind of outlet later on. Work has finally cut off the support staff from social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. Weirdly enuf, Xanga is considered as a social networking site so I've stopped blogging on there because I can't during work. After work, I'm just too tired to sit in front of a computer to blog about stuff so I just let blogging slide.

But I've noticed I have access to Blogspot so now I can blog again!

I also got an Iphone so I can bypass the firewall at work to log onto the sites that I'm blocked from. I'm also blocked from any website that has to do with "gaming", even videogames. I can't even look up on faq's for games that I'm currently playing or go shopping for games. It's so ridiculously stupid. So I just do a lot of food blog reading at work or stuff on TV shows. Or news. But it all gets boring after a while.

So yeah, 4 years since I got married...Things have happened -- good, bad, ok, overall good.

I'm 24 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. My due date is mid-July.

I've been keeping a log of the pregnancy but I haven't posted it anywhere. I guess I can post it here now.

We found out at 17 weeks that we're having a baby boy. That was the first time Meanie came with me to the doctor's so he saw the ultrasound and heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. I think he was so moved and amazed at the technology that he was almost reduced to tears. I do admit that it's quite an experience to see it all like that. It's amazing what technology has come to.

At 18 weeks, we went to meet my new doctor near our house. He was referred to us by my sister and he is really great. The office is about 15 minutes away from the house so it's nice to be nearby.

At 19 weeks, I started to feel fluttery motions in my stomach. It was similar to a rodent running around in my insides, like a gerbil. Some people say it feels like butterflies in the stomach or popcorn popping in your stomach but it definitely felt weird. I remember I was scared to feel this movement starting from the beginning but I've come to enjoy my baby's kicks and movements (it doesn't hurt yet) and know that he's doing alright in there. I definitely freaked out the first time I felt it though! :)

Not much has happened during the last few weeks except for the onset of heartburn and acid reflux. It really depends on the food I eat. I'm still trying to figure out what causes it and what doesn't but it seems to change all the time. I keep a storage of Tums on me at all times because sometimes it gets really really bad.

I'm at 24 weeks this week. A few weeks past the middle mark. I can't believe it's halfway already! Time goes by during this pregnancy and it goes by too fast, I think. I'm sure I think that because it hasn't been too awful for me, as it has been for others. I'm still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes but now I have some help from a generic Belly Band. I'm definitely sporting a baby bump now. You can definitely see that I'm preggers. And baby has been kicking me every day! I think he's starting to respond to our voices too which is an entertaining thing.

So yeah, this is what's been going on. I'll remember to update this blog as long as I'm able to. If i don't, it's because I've been cut off from this site. Blah! Damn firewalls!