Happy Bellies Organic Banana Puffs
We went to a baby shower over the weekend and the baby closest to Carey's adjusted age was already drinking from a sippy cup and eating puffs with no problem! Age is confusing for a preemie. Even though Carey has been out of the womb for a little over 9 months, his adjusted age is about 7.5 months but Carey was pretty gargantuan in size compared to the other babies. I'll have to see what's up with his growth on Friday when Carey gets his 9-month well appointment. Last time during his 6th month appointment, he was only like 10th percentile compared to other babies his age (not adjusted). He's huge and heavy now!
So yep, I gave him a puff yesterday and accordingly to the Amazon reviews, kids love it! I think it tastes better than a Cheerio but it's not much different. It doesn't really melt in my mouth like they said it would but I guess it melts more than an actual Cheerio. Carey looked like he was going to puke when I gave him a puff. I couldn't stop laffing! I don't have any pictures of him cuz I was laffing too much but Meanie took some video. What's even funnier is that after he's eaten his puff, he'll open his mouth like a hungry baby chick so I can shove more in. And when I do, he'll make that puke face again as he's trying to eat it. LOL
I think the main reason why my baby got so big over the last 3 months is because of his formula. Carey was only 3 lbs and 14 oz when he was born and he was PUNY. He didn't even fit into preemie clothing cuz he was so tiny. He was in the NICU for 2 weeks and they put him on Similac Neosure formula, which is what I still use now. They say you should use this formula till your baby is 9 months old (which is Carey's age) so I'm wondering if I need to switch formulas now that he seems to be all caught up.
Now I have to teach him how to use a sippy cup. I tried one time and told him to watch me as I sucked prune juice (ew) out of his sippy cup. He didn't quite get it. It's also more difficult to teach him because he only likes to drink milk. He hates water and he hates juice. Only milk! He's just like his dad. Meanie said when he was young, he went through like 3 bags of milk (the milk is sold in bags in Canada!!; not in cartons or gallons) per week. I have a feeling I'll be going thru a lot of milk when Carey starts drinking cow milk. Thank goodness for Costco! = )
Holy cow can your Meanie drink when he was a toddler or wot! I guess Carey's got his father's trait now. You know you ought to do some reviews on those baby formula and food, you'll never who might be reading them ;-) its always good to read reviews from REAL people and not just short name, age and country / location if you know what i mean..maybe its good to speak to the Paedriatician about the baby formula change now that Carey's 9 months, what do you think? Im writing all these tips down for my own future references ;-)I notice you're now on blogspot, it is much more user friendly this blogsite?
hey tima!
yeah, this site is not bad at all. it's very similar to xanga with the blogging so it's something i'm used to. :)
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