March 3, 2010

Sleep Deprived

I need a sleepcation.  My baby woke up at 5am screaming bloody murder and wouldn't go back to sleep after that.  I think he had a really disturbing nightmare and he just couldn't sleep after that.  I tried comforting him by holding him but nothing helped.  Every time I put him back in the crib, he'd start screaming as if someone was trying to kill him.  =(  So we brought him to the bed with us.  I don't want to make co-sleeping a habit but if it's the only way I'll get sleep, I'll do it.  He slept for maybe half an hour to 45 minutes and after that, he just started making this noise (think something like the horror lady from "The Grudge") and started poking me. Yes, my baby pokes me when I'm sleeping.  Wahhhhh....

Me = one unhappy exhausted momma. 

I can only drink one cup of coffee max per day or else I get really bad shakes and feels like I'm getting a heart attack since my heart palpitations are so rapid on caffeine.  Blegh.

I really hate this post-pregnancy hair issue.  Approximately 3 months after you give birth, all the hair you had while you were pregnant starts to fall out.  I would see softball sized hairballs after I took showers.  It was really disturbing.  Luckily I have a lot of hair to begin with so I didn't end up bald but my hair got really really thin.  And then after that, your hair starts growing back.  Baby hairs galore.  Mine grow back slowly and they stick straight up. So the hair at the front of my head (the bang area) sticks straight up.  You know, like these birds:

Now my baby hairs are half grown out so some are sticking up, some are sticking left, right, down, or just against the way how my hair is growing.  So annoying.  Luckily I found a stick of hair wax in my medicine cabinet and applied it.  My hairs seem to be behaving for now but who knows what'll happen at the end of the work day.

*Sigh*  The stuff mothers have to go thru for their children....*shakes head*  My sister was lucky.  She didn't have this hair problem after both her pregnancies. 

Anyways, here are some more product reviews.

Carey got this for his Christmas present from his Aunt Jenny, Uncle John and the kiddies:

Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo

I think Meanie and I were excited more than he was.  This was the present we were waiting for.  This thing is a God send if you want to save your arms.  At a certain age - like around 6 months or so, your baby is going to want to jump alot.  All..the..freaking..time.  Usually we hold him under the armpits and he starts jumping no matter where he is.  On the bed, on the floor, on the couch, on your gut..etc etc.  But when you want ur hands free, you just plunk him into this and he jumps like crazy.

When I first put Carey in it, his feet didn't even reach the floor so he just kinda hung there.  I don't think he even knew that he could jump in it.  I even bounced him by myself for him to get a clue.  He didn't figure out it gave him the ability to jump until when his dad was trying to take him out.  So Carey was trying to get away from his dad and started jumping to get away.  But once he figured out he can jump in the thing, that's what he exactly did.  I have several videos of him.  It's totally hilarious when he screams at the top of his lungs and starts jumping.  He also likes to jump to music.  That's my son! :-)

There are 2 music settings - one that plays continuous music or the other is that music will play whenever he starts jumping.  There are also toys on the side that will entertain him and a bird and a gecko hanging from up high which Carey likes to stare at while jumping.  The only bad thing is that the seat is a little tight so putting your baby in is slightly difficult and that it takes a lot of room.  But I definitely recommend it!

When my sister had her kids, she didn't have a jumperoo (I'm sure she regretted it because she got Carey one, lol). But she had the Evenflo exersaucer, several of them. LOL One for home, one for maternal grandparents' home and the other for paternal grandparents' home. I have 2 now (hand me downs) but it's a great contraption to put your kid into when he starts holding up his head. Mine are pretty outdated but the ones on Amazon look really cool!

The one I have is similar to this one.

But the other ones look so fun:

OR there's a 3 in one:

Wow!  The EvenFlo ExerSaucer Triple Fun.

I'm really envious of the babies nowadays.  I didn't have cool toys like that when I was a baby.  And the diapers are so awesome too.  I remember leaky, damp and itchy diapers from way back.  Ugh.

My blog is too long.  I'll do toiletries next like shampoo, baby wash, etc etc. eventually.


Sarah said...

these past couple of weeks i've been taking a vitamin b&c complex each morning as an energy boost. i take it with my medication and multivitamin after breakfast & coffee. it turns your pee super neon yellow, but it really does help me have more energy all morning.

jnnut said...

I love the jumperoo..but finally sold it to a coworker b/c kurt outgrew it didn't like to be stuck in it anymore since he started walking.
AS for the hair issue. I lost TONS this time and it was the worse loss i ever had to go through. I think it's also b/c i had post partum depression so that makes hair loss even greater. My hair is finally growing back too and those hairs are about 4inche long. it's taking a long time for it to grow back and Kurt is now 14 months old!!
Do you think Carey is hungry at 5am or needs to burp or has acid reflux? How many months is he now? He may also be teething too... Kurt screams like that when he's teething or hungry/starving.

Hope you get some rest on the weekends or when he's napping. i know you have a gazillion things to do but set those aside and get some ZZZzzzs. It helps....every little bit helps.
Hang in there!
email me if you need help or suggestions.