March 10, 2011

Time Flies Big Time

March 2011, already?  Ok, at this rate I guess I'll be blogging every 6 months but I want to blog regularly.  It's hard to find time to blog when you have no access at work.  Does anyone use Xanga anymore?

I realized that I haven't even blogged about Carey's 18 month stats.  Doh.  At the end of this month, he'll be heading off to his 21 month well appointment.  Can you believe he's almost 2?  I'm already brainstorming ideas for his birthday party in May. Craziness.

Here are Carey's 18 month stats:

Weight:  21 lbs, 9 oz
Length:  31.25 inches
Head size:  18.70 inches (47.5 cm)

From what I hear, he's still "small" compared to other kids his age but I fail to see that in Gymboree class, etc.  He's uber heavy now to carry.  Before I could carry him with one arm with ease but now I find myself sore if I've carried him for a long time.  Luckily for us, he loves to run around.  Yes, run!  We pretty much ditched the stroller since he refuses to sit in there anymore. He prefers to walk.  My mom tells me they take walks around the neighborhood and he is able to walk/run thru the whole circle w/o tiring once.  That's awesome!  I remember when kids start walking, they get tired after a short time and then you're stuck carrying them.  That's not so for my baby!  He can even do somersaults.  I don't think he does them on purpose tho.  He also loves to run in circles and shake his head.  I think he likes the feeling of being dizzy.  I know, he's a strange boy.

Physically, he's doing great.  He's not talking so much though.  I mean, he IS talking but he's talking in his baby language all the time.  But he knows a few words tho.  He knows:

"Daddy":  =( for me.  I think he's picked that up before "Mama" or "Mommy" because I am constantly referring to Meanie as "Daddy". 

"Please":  = although it comes out as "Pree", hehe

"Cow":  He likes to say that alot and he knows what it is, too, cuz when a cow comes on TV in Baby Einstein, which he still loves btw, he'll say "Cow" alot and will sometimes "Moo" afterwards.  LOL

He knows a bunch of other words too but I can't remember them right now.  He doesn't say them all the time. It's like he circulates the words he knows.  I taught him "Duck" yesterday but I don't think he can do the "ck" sound yet so it comes out as "Duhhh".  Hahahah.

He's trying to talk, at least, but he doesn't compare to little girls around his age who can speak sentences already!  I know that boys, in general, are just slower.  But he understands us and he listens to us, so that's a good thing.

Carey's got most of his teeth except the 2nd molars and the back molars but I think they're coming in right now because he's constantly drooling like a waterfall.  He eats what he eats but Mom still insists on pureeing his food because "it takes him too long to eat" regular stuff....*rolls eyes*  So impatient.  Now I know where my impatience comes from!  He's still on the bottle though.  I have all sorts of sippy/straw cups at home but none of them work on him.  *sigh* but right now he's losing interest in the binky which is great news!

My boy loves to read!  He will actually drop a toy to grab a book.  My inlaws marvel about that. I'm really happy he picked up my love for books.  Yay!  But he still loves his toys. He's the typical boy.  He loves everything with wheels and even plays with his cars, like his cousin - Lying flat on his stomach to push his cars and watching the wheels turn.

: )

Ok, enuf about Carey. Hehehe. 

I've joined BzzAgent just recently.  I figured since I used to do reviews on my blog on Xanga, I might as well start doing this officially.  Basically it's a marketing ploy based on word-of-mouth.  So people who join will have the chance to review products and stuff and get other people to buy it. 

Currently I am testing out Maybelline SuperStay 24™ 2-Step Lipcolor.  I will post up a review here and other places so people can see it.  So far I am happy with it!

Will blog soon again, I promise! :)


Karate Kid said...

i'm always looking forward to seeing your posts. i've missed reading since you don't visit xanga anymore.

i heard that workplaces have restrictions on bloggers/blogspot, but not on wordpress. if you ever feel like changing blogging sites and actually go with wordpress, people who knows how to use their google reader won't need to get an account on wordpress just to read your posts. i'm reading a lot of my friends' blogs on google reader and half of them don't have blogger/blogspot.

DBaby said...

Hey Anastasia, thanks for still reading me. :)

I might just do that - transfer to Wordpress, if I'm not blocked. Thanks for the suggestion and hope all is well with you.

DBaby said...

I just created an account at Wordpress:
